Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A joke called Robert Fisk

I now read Fisk to look for the errors, mistakes, and fabrications.  He is so out of it.  He wants to insert himself in every story while you get the impression that he drafts his article--which reads like press releases of Hariri press office--while wining and dining with his friend, Walid Jumblat.  Look at this sentence:  "On now to the case of 86-year-old Chibli al-Aysoouni..." I often never know what he means because Arabic words and names are so corrupted in his articles.  He was here talking about Shibli Al-`Aysami.  Where did he get Aysoouni?  He is so ignorant that I often feel that his driver, Abed (supplied to him by Walid Jumblat), plays with his head.  Also look at this:  "Again, the picture was on YouTube. A unit of Syrian army deserters, claiming they were several thousand strong – a statistic which probably belongs in the ho-hum department – has now emerged on the internet, along with pictures of some of the uniformed men; an audacious act which also proves that the opponents of Assad, while they may not be "gangs", are very definitely armed."  I won't comment on the content but Fisk has admitted on camera that he never ever uses the internet and does not know how to use it, so how would he know what is being show on the internet?