Friday, October 14, 2011

I am never concerned when Israel is concerned

"Israeli government officials said as early as July that troves of Libyan antiaircraft missiles, rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons were being smuggled by land across Egypt into the neighboring Gaza Strip, the Palestinian territory that is under the control of the militant group Hamas. On Thursday, The Washington Post reported that Egyptian military officials were raising alarms after finding the same kinds of Libyan weapons in the Sinai Peninsula, on the Egyptian side of the border.
Although Kalashnikov assault rifles are relatively ubiquitous on both sides of the Sinai border, the presence of antiaircraft missiles and other heavier weapons is a worrisome development to the Israelis because they can be fired on the aircraft Israel relies on to patrol Gaza and conduct airstrikes.
“We are definitely concerned by reports of Libyan arms entering Gaza, especially antiaircraft and antiarmor weapons,” a senior Israeli official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to address a security issue. “We know that Hamas wants them and can pay for them.”"  Notice that Kirkpatrick has ruled that the bombings of the gas pipeline are terrorist acts.