Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sep. 11: lessons

Every year, Sep. 11 is commemorated, as it should be.  UK was struck by its own Sep. 11 too, but they make less noise than Americans.  Americans can only think of themselves as victims but never as aggressors.  After the horrors of Sep. 11, the US went around the world afflicting other people (often innocent people) with its version of Sep. 11.  And the US has not stopped: the US has given itself to launch an all-out international war (or even total war, in the language of Goebbels) in the name of the "war on terrorism" which has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people around the world.  Bin Laden is dead and Al-Qa`idah has been out of commission for years now: that only prove what many of us have said: that this is no mass movement and it can be eliminated without those various wars.  Al-Qa`diah failed all along to attract mass following and their targeting of innocent civilians and their medieval rhetoric have alienated most from its message in the region, with the exception of fanatics here and there.  Don't take the defiance of demonstrators in Pakistan or elsewhere as a wholesale endorsement of Al-Qa`idah: this is only a message to antagonize the US.  The US wants the world to learn lessons from Sep. 11, but the US refuses to learn any lesson whatsoever.  The record of the lousy Obama administration proves that the crimes of the "war on terrorism" is bipartisan.