Monday, September 12, 2011

The new Egypt

Yesterday, there was a show on Aljazeera in which Egyptian intellectuals and a young activist were pitted against Israel guest.  One Israeli professor was typically blatantly racist and vulgar.  What shocked me is not the reaction of the vehemently anti-Israeli young activist of the Egyptian uprising, but the reaction of conservative Egyptian "analyst", Wahid `Abdul-Majid.  I hate that guy and view him as an opportunist as he spent years advocating for the Mubarak regime and appearing in Saudi media to support Saudi foreign policy of sectarian hate.  Yesterday, he was so categorical and fierce against the Israeli guest: he said that he did not want to respond to the "despicable" Israeli guest who represents an Israeli regime and went on to attack Israel and its very existence.  That is the new Egypt: even the opportunists at Al-Ahram Center (not all of them but those who were advocates for Mubarak) have to adjust.  Here is an account of the show.  I will post a link once I get one.  Here is the link.  (thanks Jerome)