Friday, September 16, 2011

Husayn Harmush

This is the video clip of defector Husayn Harmush that aired on Syrian regime TV.  It was quite a propaganda coup for the regime, I would say.  It paints a picture of disorganization and chaos among Syrian opposition groups and also shows (from the statements of Harmush) a role for Syrian Muslim Brothers and for Shaykh Al-`Ar`ur.  The capture of Harmush would serve to deter more Syrians from defecting from the Army (although the numbers have been small all along despite wild exaggerations by Qatari and Saudi media).   The previous statements by Harmush are contrasted with his statements today.  He comes across as quite inadequate as a rebel leader or chief military commander.  It says something about how bad Aljazeera has become if the lousy Ba`thist TV is become more effective in crude propaganda.