Thursday, August 11, 2011

German Islamophobe lauds House of Saud

"SPIEGEL: Referring to countries like Saudi Arabia, the federal government's guidelines state: "The export of weapons will not be approved unless, in an individual case, special foreign policy or security policy interests (…) support approval, which should only be granted in exceptional cases." Does Saudi Arabia's role in the Gulf justify this exception?
Friedrich: The Saudis are a stabilizing factor in an extremely unstable region, and one that we should not underestimate. The dialogue with the government in Riyadh is important to us, because it's the only way we can exert influence. We are pleased that we have this kind of a partner on the Gulf, with whom we can, for example, talk about fighting international terrorism and who assists us.
SPIEGEL: Doesn't it trouble you to be providing arms to a government that is miles away from Western notions of democracy?
Friedrich: We are not providing arms to a government. We are supporting the Saudi border police in the training of their officers. We are showing them how to secure borders.
SPIEGEL: Do tanks, which can be used against protesters, also promote democracy?
Friedrich: You don't give up, do you?" (Mouin)