Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Arab (Wahhabi) liberals on Syria

The stance of Arab (pro-Saudi) liberals on Syria has not been amusing.  From 2005 to 2008, they went all out on Syria and called for democracy in Syria while some were praising the likes of `Abdul-Halim Khaddam and the Muslim Brotherhood.  And then in 2008, Saudi Arabia ordered mini-Hariri to make up with the Syrian regime.  Suddenly, and over night--kid you not--all the criticisms by Arab liberals against Syria disappeared completely and some started praising the Syrian regime and its wisdom.  And when the Syrian protests started, Arab liberals were silent for a while (and in Lebanon, only As-Safir and Al-Akhbar first reported on the protests while Hariri rag Al-Mustaqbal first ignored the news), until...Saudi marching orders came and then Arab liberals discovered the need for change in Syria.  Arab liberals: timid Wahhabi and consistent hypocrites.