Saturday, July 02, 2011

Thanassis Cambanis on Hizbullah

This article is full of mistakes and errors:  "Hassan Nasrallah, the supreme leader of Hezbollah...Many of these movements share Hezbollah's sympathy for the Palestinian cause, but not for its method of armed resistance and militant, authoritarian politics...Hezbollah could discover itself in a bind. It might find its access to the deep pockets in Damascus curtailed."  1) There is no supreme leader in Hizbullah.  2) Syrian regime is stingy: it never pays.  It used to let its gangs in Lebanon to steal and blackmail, but it does not pay.  Not even to its clients.  3) So you think that the Arab people have become opposed to armed struggle? Let me guess.  You think that they read Gene Sharp and shifted their views.  OK.  Thanks for the insights.

PS Oh, and you are wrong too: Nasrallah is about to make a speech about the indictment.   (thanks Nir)