Friday, July 15, 2011

Salam Fayyad loves to endorse Israelis: he endorsed Netanyahu to serve as Palestine's first president

"Palestinian Authority prime minister Salam Fayyad recently gave a ringing endorsement to Stanley Fischer for the job of International Monetary Fund chief. Fischer, who runs the Bank of Israel, is a former colleague of Fayyad’s at the IMF where the pair spent two decades ruining the economies of various developing countries together.  Since the PA isn’t actually a state, Fayyad can’t vote for his old friend but that didn’t stop him from telling the press that Fischer is a ‘superb human being’. Before he was a superb human being or even an Israeli, Fischer was colonialist living in Zambia.  But the IMF isn’t the only international organization whose leadership Fayyad has an opinion on. He recently told a French newspaper that Ariel Sharon, another old friend, would have been the perfect man to head NATO. “Although Israel isn’t part of NATO, it should be because I think Arik’s qualities as a military man are unparalleled. He’s also engaging and charming, and before his stroke used to always compliment me on my suits.”"