Sunday, July 24, 2011

The arrogance of Bashshar

This is a feature of the Syrian regime now: the utter arrogance of Bashshar Al-Asad.  While his regime has killed hundreds of peaceful demonstrations, he failed to implement one serious reform.  What he has done really is produce committees: tons of committees to study the feasibility of this reform or that one.  Nothing else.  He has not only not released the more than 10,000 political prisoners: he has been imprisoning more.  And he has failed to even talk to the Syrian people.  It bothers me that he is so convinced that he is beloved by his own people, no matter what: maybe his March 8 supporters in Lebanon have convinced him of that.  Don't get me wrong: I dont believe that this regime (or any other Arab regime--you may add Iran to the mix here) is capable of reform.  These are regimes that are beyond reform.  They deserve to be toppled: no more, no less.