Saturday, June 11, 2011

Syria's experts in the Western press

I think it is fair to ask why do ALL Western media seem to favor the opinions and even "reporting" of Syrians who reside in Washington, DC area?  I mean, it really seems like a conspiracy (please, count me in as a conspiracy nut when it comes to Middle East developments).  Why do all seem to insist that the view of one or two Syrians who live in DC is preferable to accounts of Syrians inside Syria or even outside it (there are many Syrian dissidents who live in Germany or UK for example)?  Worse, when they dont seem to include the account of the Syrians in DC, they always resort to an expert from the Likudnik Washington Institute for Near East Policy.  Of course, what applies by way of criticisms to Western press now automatically applies to Saudi and Qatari media because they love to mimic the White Man in the media.  Today, the New York Times has a guy from WINEP to speak about facts in Syria, while Aljazeera yesterday hosted a panel that included a fanatic Zionist from WINEP.  Conspiracy?  You bet it is.