Friday, June 10, 2011

Syrian opposition

Today, with the declaration of "Day of the Clans", it becomes obligatory for one to distance oneself from the dominant reactionary forces within the Syrian opposition.  It is clear that the same reactionary forces that have been at the heart of the Iraqi opposition under occupation, are there in the Syrian opposition.  What about the leftists in the Syrian opposition? They are clearly a minority, as evidenced by the celebration of the clans and tribes.  It also signals a role for Gulf countries in dispensing cash payments to tribal elders.  In Middle East societies, there is no group in society that is more bribably than tribal elders.  I expect that Syrian opposition will call for a day of "sects and sectarian tensions" next week.   Similarly, Ba`thist rule in Syria and Iraq have also used and manipulated tribes and sects in Syria and Iraq.