Friday, June 24, 2011

Rania Abouzeid: the fraudulent story in Time magazine

I dont know who Rania Abouzeid is, as I don't read Time or Newsweek unless I am at the dentist or my Hotels are giving copies for free.  So I read this last issue, and she features the story of Hussein Harmoush.  First, it struck me when I read the hard copy that she used one word of Arabic (for the military rank of Muqaddam, and she corrupted it so badly that it was more like muqakkdieme, but I noticed that she corrected it in the on-line version after someone has noticed for sure).  Secondly, the entire story is based on one account.  She did not bother to check or verify, and her editors did not bother to ask because journalism standards fly out of the window when you report on enemies of Israel or US.  No need for standards there: just propaganda mam.  But Harmoush later recanted his story and admitted that he lied and that he defected by himself.  What does that prove? It proves one thing: the Syrian opposition led by the Muslim Brotherhood lies as much as the Syrian regime, and the Western (and Saudi and Qatari) media are more than glad to print lies and fabrications.