Monday, June 06, 2011

Fouad Ajami and the Jewish quarter in Beirut

Daniel sent me this on yesterday's post (I cite with his permission):  ""Wadi Abu Jamil, the Jewish quarter of the Beirut of my boyhood, is now a Hezbollah stronghold, and no narrative exalts or recalls that old presence."
This is so offensive, especially since, if I recall correctly, it was Solidere, American-supported capitalist entity, that wanted to raze the Grand Synagogue, now being rebuilt in the heart of Beirut with the full support of the Hezb. As was rebuilt the retaining wall of the Jewish Cemetery near my house in Ras En-Nebaa many years ago. This is more respect than is given Muslim or Jewish cemeteries in Europe, and certainly more respect than mosques in Europe or North America.  Students from our dept. at AUB have, in the past, worked in this neighborhood, creating for one example directional signage for the synagogue as a landmark, and interviewing the last surviving Jewish resident of the neighborhood who vowed never to move to Israel (she passed away a few years ago I believe). Who destroyed Wadi Abu Jamil? The rampant neo-liberalism that Ajami champions. Shame on him."