Sunday, May 08, 2011

In Latakia there is Fitnah

The famous two lines of poetry that have been attributed to Abu Al-`Ala' Al-Ma`arri:
في اللاذقيّة فتنة, ما بين طه والمسيح
هذا بناقوس يدقّ, وذا بمئذنة يصيح"
(In Latakia there is a Fitnah, between Taha and Christ
This one tolls a bell, and that one yells through a minaret)
But this is not certain at all.  It does not appear in the volumes of poetry by Abu Al-`Ala.  And the collection of writings regarding Abu Al-`Ala' that was collected in Egypt under the directorship of Taha Husayn and published as Ta`rif Al-Qudama' bi-Abi Al-`Ala', contains the two lines but as poems "attributed" to Abu Al-`Ala'.