Sunday, May 22, 2011

Friedman in Beirut

Read this article by a writer who manages to write several columns a week without ever coming up with an original idea or insight.  It is based on the views of his right-wing, racist anti-Syrian (people) contacts.  And notice that he begins the article with the typical racist anti-Syrian (people) "joke" that Lebanese racists like to tell.  It is intended to show the people of Syria as dumb and ignorant.  The racism by March 14 in Lebanon is not only repugnant on moral and humanitarian grounds: it is criminal.  The propaganda of March 14 and the incitement against the Syrian people have resulted in pogroms against the Syrian workers in Lebanon--a matter that barely gets attention from Western human rights organizations.  And then Friedman interviews one such racist from L'Orient-Le Jour--a man who has specialized in right-wing racist anti-Syrian trash talk.  This is the irony in Lebanon today: the same Lebanese who have incited hatred against the Syrian people--PEOPLE--over the last few years are now feigning solidarity with the Syrian people.  As we say in Lebanon: go play in the garden.