Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Bahrain update II

From a reliable source again:  "A few updates on Bahrain:
- Al Wasat newspaper, the country's only remaining opposition newspaper which was taken over by a pro-government editorial board after its editor Mansoor Al Jamri was accused of fabricating news, will be shutting down permenantly next week. Al Jamri will be prosecuted in military court.
- Saudi Arabia might be building a permenant military base in Bahrain: http://www.bna.bh/portal/en/news/454979
- Head of defense says that all protestors should leave Bahrain to Iran: http://www.alraimedia.com/Alrai/Article.aspx?id=272828&date=02052011. This one scares me the most

Also former Al Wefaq MPs Matar Ebrahim Matar and Jawad Fairooz have been arrested. Matar Ebrahim Matar has been the spokesperson for Al Wefaq (leader Shaikh Ali Salman is mostly silent - probably so that he doesn't get arrested). If Ali Salman is arrested then thats it - it will be the end of Al Wefaq. We won't be hearing from them anymore just as we are not hearing from Waad. Matar Ebrahim Mater just had a phone interview with Al Jazeera English a few days ago."