Saturday, April 16, 2011

Syrian regime TV

I have been watching Syrian state TV in the last two days.  What a pathetic show that is (although I know that there are good people who work there but of course have no say whatsoever.  I remember once before I appeared on Syrian TV for some show, the director of Syrian TV invited me to his office, and almost cried complaining about the situation.)  Arab regimes' TV stations have the feel of public access TV channels here in the US, although US public access TV stations have better equipment.  What is also striking (and that requires a PhD dissertation study) is the extent to which this lousy Ba`thist regime has been promoting qutri, narrow state nationalism, instead of the fake Arab nationalism that had been promised in Ba`th Party slogans--a party that could not unite the branches of the party in Syria and Iraq could not promise Arab unity.  The party should change its name to Sham Syrian Crony Capitalist Ba`th Shop.  It would be more fitting, really.  Also, I am now watching Bashshar give a "Guidelines Speech" to his new cabinet.  What is hilarious is that the ministers take copious notes like good school children as he talked.  He started by saying that his voice is rasp so they took notes of that too.  Wait: he sneezed.  The Minister of Communication wrote: my dear leader has just sneezed.  Blessed is he.