Friday, April 15, 2011

Robert Fisk

This guy has been out of it for a long time. I have urged readers to avoid him for a long time, despite the courage of his criticisms of Israel and Zionism.   But as a reporter he is now unreliable and really can't be trusted in the stories he tells.  He now reminds me of Geraldo Rivera when he use to travel the word for ABC News and inserts himself in every story.  I don't even read Fisk anymore--not even for amusement, but I read what readers often send me in shock.  He has been in the press office of Hariri and Jumblat and for years: his reporting on Lebanon has been indistinguishable from Saudi and Hariri propaganda newspapers.  Look at this:  "In reality, the "Arab awakening" began not in Tunisia this year, but in Lebanon in 2005 when, appalled by the assassination of ex-prime minister Rafiq Hariri (Saad's father), hundreds of thousands of Lebanese of all faiths gathered in central Beirut to demand the withdrawal of Syria's 20,000 soldiers in the country."  This line first appeared in press releases of March 14 movement in Lebanon.  What a joke. (thanks Sameer)