Aljazeera is not even trying to distance itself from the Saudi framework of foreign policy. Today, they invited Robert Fisk and introduced him as "Middle East expert." Fisk, who knows none of the languages of the region, is no Middle East expert in the tradition of Peter Mansfield, Arnold Hottinger, Eric Rouleau, David Hirst, or Patrick Seale (politics aside, especially for the latter who penned an "authorized" biography of Khalid Bin Sultan). Fisk has been a Hariri-Saudi propagandist since at least 2005. I did not hear what he had to say (I switched the channel) but thought of this: would Aljazeera invite a reporter to wines and dines with Al-Wifaq leaders in Bahrain to speak about developments in Bahrain? (I know that the analogy would not apply because Aljazeera would not invite anyone to speak about Bahrain).