Sunday, April 24, 2011

Political Zionist exploitation of the holocaust

"It took a monopoly on the Holocaust, which means the world owes us something. This is what it was really about. The trial formulated Israel's official attitude to the Holocaust, which is still relevant today. The attitude says the establishment of Israel is the only response to the persecution of the Jews. In this way, the Holocaust is used as the ultimate proof of Zionist ideology: Israel as an answer to the Holocaust, and never again.... Basically the Eichmann trial says: This is our story."  But the writer then said: "Since Eichmann, Israel has not put anyone else to death. Why?".  Excuse me, but Israel has killed thousands since then but it does not put people to death after a trial anymore.  In the case of Arabs, it kills them without trial.  Eh, what does it call that? Targeted assassinations?