Saturday, April 23, 2011

On Revolution

What to read to better understand the Arab uprisings?  I have been reading into Karl Marx On Revolution by Saulk K. Padover.  It puts together everything that Marx had to say on the subject.  One of the insights to help us better understand developments in the Arab world, is that the old order would fight back.  Marx also believed that the counter-revolution of the bourgeoisie also operates on revolutionary grounds.  The Mubarak and Bin `Ali order, from the stand point of the social classes that were its beneficiaries, is not out of the picture yet.  Even if the Ba`thist regime in Syria is toppled: they will fight back and the new emerging Arab order--despite the sinister Saudi-Qatari plot in coordination with US/Israel--is perfectly suited for conspiracies and counter-conspiracies.  We don't know what will happen next but we know that Arab politics has been shaken: it is not going to be boring.  Oh, and try to read the very-hard-to-find booklet by Hanna Batatu: The Egyptian, Syrian, and Iraqi Revolutions: Some Observations on Their Underlying Causes and Social Character.