Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Israel: desperate for favorable propaganda

An alert Egyptian reader sent me this and said:  "They're publishing their spam mail now, that's how difficult it is for them to find real support for their racist colonial project. Too funny!"  Here is the passage: "
""The Foreign Ministry's Arabic-language website received a letter Saturday from a repentant Iraqi man who says he and his fellow citizens have been "brainwashed against Israel".   The man added that Hamas's recent attacks on Israeli civilians have caused him "shame" for being an Arab and a Muslim.  "For a long time we believed that Israelis are dangerous barbarians due to the brainwashing we underwent during Saddam (Hussein)'s rule but now I see (Arabs) being massacred in a wretched and shameful manner by Sunni and Shiite rulers," the letter says.   The letter was published by the Foreign Ministry on its Arabic-language website, which is accessed by web users worldwide."  It would be funny if people can send them other emails and then have the Israeli press brag about them.  Like saying: oh, I never supported Israel but after I saw how skillful they are in massacres and war crimes, I had a changed of mind, etc. (thanks Hussam)