Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hariri-owned Daily Star objectively assesses Hariri

A great editorial from the revamped Daily Star – now half owned by Saad Hariri.  An incredible contrast to an awful but nevertheless revealing “paper” that almost got the dean of Hagazian university excommunicated when she used it – thinking it was LAUDATORY! – at a conference in front of Hariri folks!
The title: “The dynamics of effective corrupt leadership: Lessons from Rafik Hariri’s
political career in Lebanon”    But the “new” DS has this to say:
“This week marks the sixth anniversary of the death of Bassil Fuleihan, and while the magnitude of his loss has not changed over the years, it is particularly relevant to recall his contributions as the country floats along, awaiting its next government.  Fuleihan is remembered for many things, but his achievements in public affairs continue to resonate today. He was a central figure in the recovery of the postwar economy, serving as an adviser at the Finance Ministry, whose development and restructuring mirrored the rise of Lebanon after the war. Fuleihan was a model for what many of our politicians lack: the ability to be a part of a functioning, coherent team. This particular team was led by the late Rafik Hariri, and included Fouad Siniora; these and other members of the economic “team” had a vision for postwar economic recovery and growth." (thanks Nicholas)