Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I only fault those who trusted him in the first place and who praised his lousy biased report which equated victims and killers.  This is like trusting the Hariri tribunal in Lebanon.  "One of his two daughters, who spent more than a decade in Israel and now lives in Canada with the man she married here, has been furious with him, according to a family friend; he was nearly unable to attend the bar mitzvah of his other daughter’s son in South Africa because of plans by some members of the Jewish community there to demonstrate against his presence.  “He told me last year that he was dreaming of the day when he would be able to sleep again at night,” a longtime friend said, asking for anonymity for fear of angering Mr. Goldstone by speaking about private conversations. In the past two weeks, he has been embraced by some who had shunned him."