Thursday, April 21, 2011


A person with a Western NGO sent me this:  "Since I'm working for ...organization...I would like to inform you about the situation in Bahrain concerning the access to medical care and medical facilities. When we arrive to the country, salmani the reference public hospital, though operational was totally empty. In fact during the demonstrations, people wounded, or having typical wounds resulting from demonstrations were arrested at the hospital, some of them beaten. So most of them are afraid to seek medical care. the chocking news is some shi'a sick people (non wounded) are now afraid to seek care at hospitals because they risk to be arrested . Simply the situation is very sad in arab medias remains silent. As a ..NGO, we had to keep a low profile attitude otherwise, we are at the risk to be kicked out as one officlial told us . I hope this information would be of your interest.
Best regards
P.S: please cite without the name of the organization or my name"