Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Why no call for restraint "of both sides" in Libya?

As you remember, the US administration called on "both sides" to exercise restraint during the PEACEFUL Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings.  But notice that even when an armed revolt is sweeping Libya, the US is not calling on both sides to exercise restraint.  In other words, we remember that the US condemned the peaceful Egyptian protesters and the State Department spokesperson even condemned the "violent" intentions of some protesters--as he put it--but there is no word of condemnation of Libyan armed rebels.  So the White Man does not mind violence from natives if that violence fits their plans?

PS Having said that, I do support the right of Arabs to overthrow their governments from Saudi Arabia to Morocco "by all means necessary".  I am not burdened by categories of thought and practice that the White Man invents to apply only on the natives.