Thursday, March 03, 2011

Today is the 37th day of the hunger strike of the 300 immigrants (all arabs from Maghreb) in Athens.

Sana wrote me this:  "This is probably one of the biggest hunger strikes in European history.  they have been on water, 4 spoons of sugar and a pinch of salt per day for the past 37 days. Today more than 40 of them were taken to the hospital... When I went to see them, I could not recognize them (some are comrades who helped us alot for the flotilla), and all I saw is ghosts walking, they are very weak and can barely walk or talk but their spirit is still amazingly high..they know that they are fighting on behalf of all immigrants in fortress europe.    it is in Greek but see how they are fainting one after the other :(  (Listen to their song in arabic)  (English)  Today is the fisrt time mainstream media mentions their strike:
See the main website for regular updates:.."