Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hillary calls on condemns what she calls "violence" by Bahraini opposition

I was amused yesterday when I heard Hillary condemn what she refers to as violence by the opposition.  Of course, nothing exposes the hypocrisy of Western governments like theirs standards and criteria for violence.  So we are led to believe that the US favors only non-violent forms of struggle against tyrannical regimes.  But they don't seem to mind violence if directed against regimes they dislike--or against regimes they really liked until the other day, like Libya.  The Libyan transitional council is quite violence and has used violence but the Obama administration has not voiced any criticisms what so ever.  Here is a sample: "Some migrant workers, without tribes to protect them, have been targeted by rebels. Vietnamese and Filipino nurses have been turfed out of their homes and have fled. But most of the 1.5m foreign workers in Libya from poor countries such as Bangladesh, whose governments were unable to arrange airlifts home, have stayed on. A Scandinavian oil man, who doubles as an honorary consul, has tried to protect dozens of Eritrean labourers cowering in a warehouse for fear they will be mistaken for the colonel’s reviled mercenaries, 60 of whom were said to have been massacred in the Green Mountain town of Shahat, after rebels captured them."