Friday, February 11, 2011

scared of aljazeera

Arab regimes are now more terrified than ever of Aljazeera and its powers.  Yesterday, Prince Saud Faysal made expansive remarks about Egypt (in defense of Mubarak of course) and talked in vague terms about manipulation and exploitation (just as UAE's Abdullah bin Zayid did days earlier) but did not dare to utter the word "aljazeera" once.  They are now so scared of it.  Nile sate went back on carrying the channel.  Al-Arabiyyah (news station of King Fahd's brother-in-law) sank deeper in oblivion during the crisis.  Al-Hurra, while no one watches it, will be mocked and remembered for its false rumors that it has been spreading (yesterday, they located Mubarak in Dubai).