Wednesday, February 09, 2011

A Panel On Egypt at Emory University

A reader at Emory University sent me this account):
"yesterday, there was a panel discussion in EMory University about the egyptian revolution. It was a joke.
The panelists were so "white".  The whole 2-hour discussion boiled down to discussing the fear from the muslim brotherhood and how they should be careful not to let the brother take over. One of the speakers, a pro-israeli prof. and the director of the "institute for the study of modern Israel" at Emory, was discussing
something when he said that israel "withdrew" from Sinai in 1973.  Another speaker called Michael Youssef, a pastor, said that egyptians dont know what a tyrant is and then he went on to explain the suffering of the jews. Then I interfered and was made to shut up. his whole argument was flawed and focused on the brotherhood control of egypt and comparing that to iran. Another thing he said was: " make no mistake, aljazeera English is completely the opposite from the arabic channel because it has american anchors". He also said that he saw people getting paid money to stay in the "Midan el Ta7rir" (though he has not been in egypt recently".  I felt it was so weird to highjack the stage and intead of talking about the dreams and aspirations of the live and dead egyptians and their courage for change but rather go and scare the audience from something that does not really exist (at least now). I thought u might want to know that about emory."