Sunday, February 06, 2011

Mubarak State TV

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Mubarak state TV has begun allowing views that are critical of the regime--much more than the Saudi media which still exercise a fanatic policy of protecting Mubarak.  Yesterday, a pro-Mubarak anchorperson, hosted a group of people to discuss the crisis.  There was a wishy washy guy who said that he participated on Jan. 25th but that now he wants order (as if the two don't clash, logically).  But there was a famous protesters' leader Isra' `Abdul-Fattah: she is really a firebrand and she won the show.  She has a sharp and logical mind and can deconstruct any argument.  She was most impressive. There was another leftist youth leader and he said that there are some 20 or so anarchists among the protesters (but he was dismissive of them).  I was impressed how he talked about the assassination of Sadat--with glee.