Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bahraini counter-revolution has begun (before even the revolution has begun)

"The Bahraini counter-revolution has begun and in a manner befitting to the buffoons that lead us.  This article (link below) in a local propoganda rag is saying, yes we want a revolution but not now because 'any intifada will benefit Iranian mullahs'
ليس الأن يا احرار البحرين.. لا تفتحوا الباب على مصراعيه لجارتكم الغولة إيران..
لا تخاطروا بثورة مبكرة تأتي في غير ميعادها.. وقد يحركها اقطاب كثيرون لهم أجنداتهم التي تختلف عن الظلم الذي قد يكون واقع عليكم يا ابناء البحرين الأحرار.

Not now oh the free people of not open the doors to the invader iran. Do not take the risk with an early revolution before the time has come....that may become manipulated by many parties with their own agendas other than the oppression which may be reality for your of 
the free people of Bahrain." (thanks comrades in Bahrain)