Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thus spoke a Zionist fanatic: Elliott Abrams

We just needed a Zionist fanatic who never studied the Middle East, and whose Zionist Likud activism has inserted illusions in his head that he is now a Middle East expert.  He says: "where Hizballah has in essence thrown Prime Minister Saad Hariri from office and is about to choose his successor."  No smarty.  Your ex-puppet, Walid Jumblat, who you and people of your ilk were quoting before and after lunch, switched to the other side. That happens.  He then says: "But Najib Mikati, the Hizballah designee, is a Sunni who will owe his office not to support in the Sunni community but to Hizballah’s decision to make him PM. "  No, expert on Lebanon.  Annoying Najib Miqati got more votes than the Hariri candidates in Tripoli.  Got that?  He then says: "He has close ties to Syria and Hizballah, and it is clear which side is in power in Lebanon."  Yes, but he was never closer to the Syrian regime as Rafiq Hariri was.  Got that?   And here this Zionist hoodlum embraced the violent protests today, in which more than 35 members of the Lebanese Army were injured:  "Will they keep up a political resistance to Hizballah and to its hand-picked prime minister, with votes in parliament, demonstrations, and requests for international support?"  And this genius now reduces the fumblings and bumblings of US diplomacy in the Middle East to the decision to send a US ambassador to Damascus.  Well, your administration did not have an ambassador in Damascus, and how successful were you?  I can't hear you. Speak up, please.