Friday, January 07, 2011

"strong" comments on Muslims: or "strong" versus "insensitive"

In the print edition of the New York Times, and under his picture, it said that Juan Williams was fried from NPR after making "strong" comments about Muslims.  Would the paper ever describe someone's anti-Semitic bigotry as "strong comments" against Jews?  You know the answer, of course.  No, wait. I thought I can provide you with the evidence.  In referring to Helen Thomas, the paper said TODAY this:  "Now, seven months after being forced from her job over insensitive comments about Jews."  So for the purpose of consistency, why did the paper not describe Helen Thomas' comments as "strong" comments about Jews?  Do you know how blatant the New York Times is in adhering to sensitivity to Jews and to insensitivity to Muslims?   And the paper must really think that Arabs and Muslims and all humane readers are too dumb to notice?