Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Police non-state in Palestine

"The transition from the lofty aspiration of statehood to a scheme intended to usher West Bank Palestinians into a new alleviated containment -- a new form of remotely-managed occupation -- is not some unfortunate error. The roots of this manipulation of the Palestinian aspiration into its opposite -- cynically dressed up and sold as statehood -- were present from the outset. Professor Yezid Sayyigh has shown how U.S. and EU rhetoric "promoting democratic development and the rule of law is pious at best, at worst disingenuous". Both America and Europe bear responsibilities for this betrayal.  The seed of this deception which was to grow into a new police state in the region was the US and European acquiescence to Israel's self-definition of its own security needs -- and by extension, Israel's definition of the requirements for Palestinian security collaboration. This Faustian pact, which prioritized Israel's security-led criteria as the boundaries for negotiations -- above any principles of justice -- set the scene for the inevitable inflation of Israeli demands of security collusion by the Palestinian leadership -- demands on which America's ‘war on terrorism' poured fuel." (thanks Amal)