Arab people are not only afflicted with their leaders, but they are afflicted with leaders with excellent health. I saw Husni Mubarak give his speech in Sharam Ash-Shaykh yesterday, and I was astonished how vigorous he looked. Just a week ago, he looked like he was dying. I don't know how Arab leaders do it, really. Husni Mubarak wakes up and have a hearty Egyptian breakfast (pidgeons, fitir mishaltit (no way on earth I will translate that one)) and then he is subjected to a vigorous massage (Nasser, Sadat, and Mubarak had massages but Mubarak made it part of his daily routine). Mubarak used to play squash daily, and I heard he has beaten Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld in the game. Someone told me that the Saudi King can't wake up or stand without a series of injections, but who knows. The thing is those horrible dictators live long lives, damn it.