Wednesday, December 08, 2010

"We built ARAMCO together, we must protect it together"

"In a private meeting between MBN and the Charge’, MBN conveyed the SAG’s, and his personal, sense of urgency to move forward as quickly as possible to enhance the protection of Saudi Arabia’s critical infrastructure with the priority being its energy production sites. MBN related how his grandfather, King Abdulaziz, had the vision of forming a lasting strategic partnership with the United States. MBN stressed he shared this vision, and wants the USG’s help to protect Saudi critical infrastructure. He commented that neither the Kingdom nor the U.S. would be comfortable with the “French or Russiansâ€‌ involved in protecting Saudi oil facilities. “We built ARAMCO together, we must protect it together." (thanks Amer)

PS Someone should send this to Bob Vitalis.
PPS Read Vitalis' America's Kingdom to understand this context here.