Saturday, December 18, 2010

US, and "reform" in Iran

"A reformist member of the Majles said the Supreme Leader favors Islamic regional interests over national interests and called the president a puppet of the leader. He claimed some radicals wanted war as an excuse to crack down on dissent and cover up their shortcomings. He acknowledged reformists’ limited ability to impact policy but called the threats of impeachment a powerful tool. The long-term goal of the reformist coalition Mosharekat is to reform the constitution to eliminate or change the position of Supreme Leader to an elected, accountable position. He advised reducing what he called the negative tone of VOA’s Farsi broadcasts and focus on supplying objective information to produce an informed electorate. End summary. 2.(S) On April 11, IRPOffs met with a member of the Majles XXXXXXXXXXXX. The MP shared his opinions about the state of internal politics in Iran and commented on international crises related to Iran. XXXXXXXXXXXX He claims ongoing communication with XXXXXXXXXXXX leaders, including former President Khatami." (thanks Amer)