Monday, December 20, 2010

On the stupidity of Mossad (again, and again)

"And he minces no words in stating baldly (through his sources) that Stuxnet has been a disaster both for the Mossad (he coyly refuses to explicitly name the agency as the source) and western intelligence agencies monitoring and containing Iran’s nuclear efforts.  What’s especially critical about this is that few journalists (except me and several others) until now have specified the price that Stuxnet will exact from both its maker and all intelligence agencies working on this issue.
After noting German security reports on the damage the malware caused to Iran, the reporter also notes:
Concurrently, it [Stuxnet] caused tremendous damage to he who created it [i.e. Israel].  There are those already calling it the “Al-Mabouh of [All] Worms…”
…There can be no doubt that the organization standing behind Stuxnet brought nearer, in a way that can never be undone, the ability to launch similar such attacks [by others] in the future.
Bergman notes an uproar among western intelligence agencies trading accusations and recriminations back and forth about who is the author of the worm:
German intelligence (the BND) warns that if the Mossad planted this unripened worm, it caused great damage to the efforts against Iran.
According to the intelligence correspondent, Stuxnet delayed Iran’s nuclear program by “a few months,” which seems an extraordinary expense to go to for such a small payoff.  Further, Bergman states:" (thanks Victor)