Monday, December 13, 2010

Jordanian terror police

Rasha sent me this and wants me to cite her:  "After being hit by those forces during the assault on Gaza in 2009, I agree with the reporter here: PEOPLE NEVER START ANYTHING!these forces are mad..crazy men who are ruthless and start hitting people.. they also instigate the hatred and increase the division by cursing Palestine and by calling all Palestinian mother "bitches" and other names in Bedouin accent and laughing at us, the people. The government seems to like that and not do anything about the behaviour of these forces. This is outrageous! By the way, after they're done hitting and terrorizing people and insulting Palestine and its people, they do a dance and a song for the mighty King (playstation King as you call him). and yes, you can publish this! I've seen it, lived it, experienced it and heard it and I am mad as hell!"