Monday, December 13, 2010

Foreign expenditure in the Lebanese elections

"BBC's Nada Abdel-Samad reported in June last year that spending in the elections had reached unprecedented levels: a billion dollars, evenly split between both sides."  How cute of Nada Abdel-Samad (who supports March 14) to want to appear even-handed.  "Evenly split"?  Are you kidding me?  It is like ten time more--in favor of the March 14.  I can report to you that Saudi Arabia alone spent a $billion in the election while the entire expenditure for March 8 (from Qatar and Iran combined and wealthy contributors) did not exceed $100 million.  That is why I am in favor of suspending elections in the Middle East pending the end of foreign interference and the establishment of socialist regimes to end the role of capital in the political systems. (thanks Rudy)