Thursday, December 02, 2010

At State Department briefing, reporters accuse ass’t sec’y of ’speaking for Israel’

"Another sign that the wheels are coming off the cart. Years ago we learned that the U.S. acted as Israel's lawyer in the peace process. Well, this is a press conference by P.J. Crowley, ass't sec'y of State, two days ago, and a couple of reporters (unnamed) seem to gang up on him over the fact that the State Department is speaking for Israel and strongly condemning the Palestinians over one Palestinian "mouthing off", but when Israel Judaizes East Jerusalem, the supposed capital of the Palestinian state, the U.S. doesn't say a word. The interchange begins when Crowley "strongly condemns" the (yes, repellent) comments by a P.A. official saying that Jews have no historic connection to the Temple Mount area of the Old City. Notice that the interchange goes on to Hebron, whose old market area has been ethnically cleansed to allow Jewish colonists to live there, and strong doubts in the press corps about a "viable" Palestinian state. The briefing:" (thanks Olivia)