Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dexter Filkins: correction

A colleague of Filkins tells me that I erred yesterday when I posted that he had served in the US marines (not that it was essential to my comment yesterday.)  Here is Brian Lamb asking Filkins about his tour in Iraq:
"LAMB: And you have a driver, and an interpreter. You also have a bodyguard besides that? FILKINS: I sometimes  I usually don´t take a bodyguard, even now. I mean  I mean, it kind of varies."  Dont you like it how US reporters mix in with the people when they report? Basically, they are indistinguishable from the local population.  Do they offer Pulitzers for the best reporters in terms of his/her choice of bodyguards, translators, chefs, trainers, cooks, and assistants?  Filkins is the reporter who "reported" (in the presence of his entourage) that Afghan women removed their burkas and men shaved their beards as soon as the US "liberated" their land.

PS I should have said that Filkins who proudly served with and cheered the US Marines in the savage assault on Fallujah in Iraq.  He should have said that he witnessed charred dead bodies of babies cheering US troops there.