Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lebanon's tallest cross?

I received this:
"Regarding the so called « biggest » cross in the World (presumably located in Lebanon) here are some facts:
The tallest cross is located in Spain (Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos– The Saint Cross of the Valley of the fallen) – 150 meters high. I won’t discuss its historical background (Franco ordered its construction which claimed a lot of lives + this cross is a symbol of Spanish fascism).  The largest is located in Effingham, Illinois.  As for the cross built in Lebanon, since it cannot be the tallest (or the bigger or the largest) one (73,8 meters), well, they chose to say: It’s the biggest illuminated one (akbar salib mouda’).  Lying is good for the Lebanese (stupid) disproportionate ego."" (thanks N.)