Sunday, April 18, 2010

Another Lebanese finds a cure for cancer

Nader sent me this: "As'ad, You have to read this article to see the magnitude of sheer Lebanese stupidity and arrogance. There are also references to being among the "top ten" research projects according to the American Chemical Society (you think that will check out?) and to academic conferences... and some White Man Worship. chemical engineer thinks he has discovered a cure for cancer (by blocking cholesterol receptors?!) and he gets defensive when challenged to submit his "cure" to rigorous clinical trials and testing. Among the many precious jewels in the article, I liked this one best, a quote by the "genius":
"إمّا هو اكبر بكثير من من الأميركيين والأوروبيين الذين جلسوا معي وإمّا ليس مؤهلاً للتحدّث معي".