Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kanan Makiyyah: he really deserves an award for pettiness and self-praise

You need to read this boring interview with Kanan Makiyyah in the mouthpiece of Prince Salman and his sons. Notice that he compares himself to Nelson Mandela. Notice that he calls himself an "academic" (I mean, would he teach Middle East politics in any US university if he does not hold the views he holds knowing that his higher degree (notice he always says that he "attended MIT") which he did not complete is in architecture. Notice that he gives the same reasons for visiting Israel that Sadat gave (breaking the "barrier"). Notice that he brags that 500 people attended his talk. You bet. I mean, Israeli audiences are always eager to watch any Arab grovel before them. If Sha`ban `Abdur-Rahim goes there, thousands will show up. Notice that he brags that his "novel" was praised by Sari Nusaybah. Notice that he gives reasons to explain aways his famous prediction that US troops would be greeted "with sweets and flowers" in Iraq. And notice that he says that Iran is the threat and not Israel to the Arab world. And then you wonder why this mouthpiece of Prince Salman is pleased to host him?