Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ethan Bronner: propagandizing

Matt sent me this (I cite with his permission): "The middle east studies center on my campus receives all sorts of publications which the staff leaves out in the lounge area. One of these is the bulletin of the "Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies", a Zionist think tank churning out all sorts of propaganda (sample title: "Is Gaza occupied? Redefining the Legal Status of Gaza") - it is after all where Netanyahu delivered his speech "accepting" a Palestinian state last June 14. This think tank seems to think the two-state solution is passe, preferring the no-state solution of land swaps with Jordan and Egypt. One of the guest speakers at their May 2009 "Debating US Leadership in Checking Iran" forum was Ethan Bronner - along with Danny Ayalon, Major General Yitzhak Ben-Israel, Abe Foxman, and other such characters. The lone dissenting opinion in that particular forum, that Israel could deter a nuclear Iran, was that of Josef Joffe, a fellow at the Hoover Institution and contributor to Commentary. Now, one might say that Ethan Bronner's participation in the forum of an extremist pro-Israel organization is innocent, but imagine if Taghreed el-Khodary participated in a forum sponsored by Hamas. And why would the organizers - who only sponsor the most extreme sorts of Zionist thought and thinkers - invite Bronner in the first place, unless they knew him to be part of the club?.... As'ad, yes, you can post it - the bulletin is here: (see page 9 of the print copy, the right side of page 5 of the pdf) I just realized I spoke or wrote too quickly - there was a token Palestinian at the conference, Elias Zananiri of the Standing Cooperation Committee: (see the list of other speakers on the far right of the same page with Bronner)"