Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Comrade Sinan

I managed last night read and enjoy Sinan's new book of Arabic poetry. Not because he is a dear friend (and one of the funniest people I know--although Sinan is one of the funny people who draws a sharp line between what is funny and what is not) and I sometimes tell Sinan if there is a certain poem I like more than an another. I really really enjoyed this beautiful book of poetry. He had told me that Berlin was very conductive for his creativity and I feel the energy in the poems although I like that Sinan's poems are never forced (unlike a lot of the modern Arabic poetry). I so respect Sinan as a poet especially when he ends when he thinks the poem should end. But I really like the poems he wrote in Cairo (more like ghazal style). Very nice indeed. Some should be put to music, and I recommended the talented (but not widely known) Syrian (Paris-based) `Abid `Azriyyah. The book is titled Laylun Wahid fi Kull Al-Mudun and published by Jamal.