Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lies of the Times: the case of Ethan Bronner

I got my NYT this morning and was pissed to read a big headline of an article by Ethan Bronner. The headline said that Israelis and Palestinians are "pondering" Netanyahu as a "peace maker." And I made a mental note to say something about the headline because the long article could not produce ONE single Palestinian who was willing to "ponder" Netanhayu as a peace maker. Not even the chief PA buffoon, Sa'ib `Urayqat. So I go to the website to link to it, and suddenly the headline was changed from the paper edition. The entire debate in the article is an Israeli debate, in which the Palestinians are not a party. Yet, Bronner takes the Israelis as representatives of the Palestinians. Why should that be surprising? The US and Israel wanted the Hashemite lackeys of Jordan to speak for the Palestinians. I read in Ashton book on King Husayn that the latter's feeling was deeply hurt when he read the text of a statement by the command of the first Palestinian intifada against the Hashemites.